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Oakland University

Grants and Awards

  • Reciver(s): Seaver Thorn and Harrison Mansour

    Title: Won the 1st Place ICCE 2018 (IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics) best poster video award for the poster entitled "DDefender: Android Application Threat Detection Using Static and Dynamic Analysis"

  • Reciver(s): Harrison Mansour

    Title: Received Fulbright award to study in Finland for the next two years.

  • Reciver(s): Neha Gupta

    Title: Got accepted to 3 programs: the Princeton MS in CS (with thesis), the Duke Masters of Science in Economics and Computation (MSEC), both with a full tuition waiver, and University of Michigan MS in CSE.

  • Reciver(s): Andrew Davis and Matthew Wagner

    Title: Won the award for Best Full Paper at the 12th annual Cyber and Information Security Research Conference (CISRC2017) held at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.

  • Reciver(s): Matthew Wagner

    Title: Won the student scholarships to pursue a Ph.D. degree in Cyber Security at Missouri University of Science and Technology

  • Reciver(s): Richard Yang

    Title: Won the student scholarship to pursue a Master degree in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) at Stanford University.

  • Reciver(s): Neha Gupta

    Title: Received MSU Women in Computing “Extra Mile” Leadership Award.

  • Reciver(s): Neha Gupta

    Title: Won MSU Women in Engineering Award.

  • Reciver(s): Thuy Pham

    Title: Postdoctoral Fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology.

  • Reciver(s): Katherine LaBelle

    Title: Won scholarship to attend SWE Region H Conference

  • Reciver(s): Anna Rode

    Title: Won the student scholarship to attend the CUR Research Experiences for Undergraduates

  • Reciver(s): Amber Johnson

    Title: Won the scholarship for Louis Stokes Mississippi Alliance for MInority Participation

  • Reciver(s): Katherine LaBelle

    Title: Academic Achievement Award from School of Engineering and Computer Science

  • Reciver(s): Katherine LaBelle

    Title: Presidential Scholarship

  • Reciver(s): Katherine LaBelle

    Title: Dean’s List

  • Reciver(s): Katherine LaBelle

    Title: Featured "Kate's Success Story" on SECS website: http://wwwp.oakland.edu/secs/kates-success-story

  • Reciver(s): Katherine LaBelle

    Title: Won scholarship to attend Grace Hopper Conference

  • Reciver(s): Thuy Pham

    Title: Won the NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship

  • Reciver(s): Brilleasha Moore and Charles Bardel

    Title: Research Project performed on “A Wearable Device for Increasing the QoL for the Visually Impaired” was listed at the NSF REU site as a nugget

  • Reciver(s): Lidia Mudura and Matt Bruer

    Title: "SECS and SON partner to create educational software," The News @ OU, Nov. 3 2005

  • Reciver(s): Jason Gorski

    Title: Distributed Data Fusion for Sensor Network and Mobile Robot Interfacing, Received a Research Grant from DaimlerChrysler Undergraduate Student Awards for $3000

  • Reciver(s): Jason Gorski

    Title: A Framework for Interaction between Sensor Networks and Robots, Received a Research Grant from Oakland University Undergraduate Student Research Scholar Program for $1000

  • Reciver(s): Jason Gorski

    Title: A Framework for Interaction between Sensor Networks and Robots, Received a Research Grant from Michigan Space Grant Consortium for $2500

  • Reciver(s): Aiyesha Ma

    Title: "Out of this World Research", Oakland University Magazine, Spring/Summer 2004

  • Reciver(s): J. Gillian, C. Zieminski, P. Corcoran

    Title: Award for Outstanding research poster for Sigma Xi, Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference, Nov. 2003, Los Angeles, California.

  • Reciver(s): Jen Burge

    Title: Received a Graduate Research Fellowship from National Science Foundation

  • Reciver(s): Paul Corcoran, Gillian Gilmer, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, and Fatma Mili

    Title: Patterns and conflicts for the validation of cognitive models, Outstanding Research Poster - Sigma Xi Student Research Conference, Nov. 2003

  • Reciver(s): Aiyesha Ma

    Title: Shape Based Retrieval of Infrared Images, Received a Graduate Fellowship from Michigan Space Grant Consortium for $5000 over a 1 year period. Aug. 2003

  • Reciver(s): Aiyesha Ma

    Title: "Graduate Student Gets Award", Oakland Post (student newspaper), Sept. 17 2003

  • Reciver(s): Aiyesha Ma

    Title: Research Project on image indexing and retrieval was listed at the NSF REU site as a nugget