REU activities
UnCoRe participants are introduced to the faculty, the projects, and research concepts during a three day orientation process. To assist the students in choosing their advisors for the summer, each UnCoRe faculty member presents themself and their research topic. Students are also taken on a tour of the research labs, allowing them an opportunity to see where they will be spending their summer and to interact with graduate students in the labs. The UnCoRe participants are given a 'research quiz' at the beginning of the orientation to determine what understanding, if any, the students already have of research concepts. Since many students are unfamiliar with the reseach process later during the orientation process a number of seminars are presented regarding research concepts. These topics vary but generally include research procedures, team work, making research presentations, peer review, and developing a research career.
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hours provide an organized forum for students to discuss their projects and progress with the other students and faculty. Occasionally guests are invited to the coffee hours to learn about the program, the students, and the projects. Sometimes guests are invited to present seminars of interest or relevance to the students and the UnCoRe program.
Past Participants Reunion
Past participants are invited to join in a social event to foster ongoing communication.
Research and Engineering Tour
To present the students with views of other research labs and projects, each year a tour is organized to another reseach lab or engineering facility. Tours so far have included, among others, the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and the Computer Aided Surgery Lab at Wayne State University
Women in Computing Day
Students are exposed to other successful women with advanced degrees in computer science and engineering through a full day program in which invited speakers share stories about all aspects of their careers from the technical including educational curriculum, research interests, and accomplishments, to the day to day joys, challenges and satisfactions of being a woman in computer science and engineering. Furthermore, to foster relationships each student acts as the host for a speaker.